On the Influence of Human Aspects on the Quality of Test Code

Nome do aluno


Denivan do Carmo Campos da Silva


Título do trabalho


On the influence of human aspects on the quality of test code


Resumo do trabalho


Open-source software (OSS) development is a collaborative activity and might result from the contributions of people with distinct skill levels. There is an increased interest in the Software Engineering research community in studying the role of human aspects in software development and their influence on the resulting software quality. However, there is little empirical evidence on the relationship between single or multiple human aspects and test code quality. Whether we consider the prevalence of test smells in current software testing research, the number is way more limited. Test smells are bad implementations or problems in the test code design. A key problem test smells cause is the impact on test suites' comprehension and maintainability. Some recently published studies have reported discussions surrounding the developer's perception of test smells and their importance for enhancing test code quality. Nevertheless, none has discussed the effects of human aspects to this extent. Therefore, in this thesis, we gather empirical evidence on such a relationship, with particular attention on the effect test smells can bring to software quality.
To accomplish our research objective, we used a combination of research methods, like survey and interview studies and mining OSS repositories from Github, to gather a better understanding of the relationship and the effects of human aspects and test code quality. Analyzing data from a combination of empirical methods would lead us to propose a set of guidelines to support developers in preventing the insertion of test smells during the creation of unit test cases.




Ivan do Carmo Machado


Membro externo 1


Edna Dias Canedo (UnB)


Link para o curriculum lattes




Membro interno 1


Emanuel Ferreira Coutinho


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Suplente do membro externo


Larissa Rocha Soares Bastos


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Suplente do membro interno


Eduardo Santana de Almeida


Link para o curriculum lattes




Data do exame


19 Dec, 2022


Horário do exame


2:00 PM



Data da Defesa: 
19/12/2022 - 14:00
Tipo de Defesa: 
Qualificação de Doutorado