Nome do aluno
Larissa Pinheiro
Título do trabalho
Resumo do trabalho
Technical debt (TD) contextualizes the problem of pending software development tasks as a type of debt that brings a short-term benefit to the project, often in terms of in-creased development speed or shortened time to market. TD items can affect different artifacts and phases of the software development. It is particularly important to discuss the management of TD in the context of requirements engineering (RE) activities because they are inherently complex, reflect a system purpose aligning different viewpoints of the system’s stakeholder, and impact several software development phases. There are two types of debt directly related to RE: requirements and documentation debt. Although several works have investigated the state-of-the-practice on TD concerning its causes, effects, and management, the current literature has not approached the topic under the perspective of requirements and requirements documentation debt (R2DD). To face this problem, the main objective of this work is to investigate, through the continuous and independent replication of a family of surveys conducted globally, the state of practice of R2DD, revealing its causes, effects, and practices used for its prevention and repayment. All causes, effects, and practices used for its prevention and repayment were organized in conceptual map. Considering that the human factor is important when dealing with this type of technical debt, we investigated the attributes of a great and undesirable requirements engineers and the relationship between them. The attributes, their categories, and relationships are organized into a conceptual framework. The relationship between and strategies are represented in a Sankey diagram. The results found can contribute significantly to the technical and human aspects, since the great and undesirable characteristics of a requirements analyst can contribute to the presence or absence of R2DD TD causes and effects. Therefore, knowing R2DD TD causes can support development teams in defining TD prevention actions. Having information on R2DD TD effects can aid in the prioritization of TD items to pay off, by supporting a more precise impact analysis and the identification of corrective actions to minimize possible negative consequences for the project. This work will be divided into several stages, each of which contributes to the development and validation of the conceptual map (technical aspects) and framework (human aspects) developed.
Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel
Rodrigo Spinola
Membro externo 1
Julio Prado Leite
Link para o curriculum lattes
Membro interno 1
Manoel Mendonça
Link para o curriculum lattes
Suplente do membro externo
José Maria David
Link para o curriculum lattes
Suplente do membro interno
Ivan do Carmo Machado
Link para o curriculum lattes
Data do exame
31 Oct, 2023
Horário do exame
2:00 PM