MoTSPPP: Multi-objective Traveling Salesman Problema with Profits and Passagers

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MoTSPPP: Multi-objective Traveling Salesman Problema with Profits and Passagers


Resumo do trabalho


Shared ride-hailing systems have emerged as innovative solutions to urban mobility challenges by promoting collaborative vehicle usage and route optimization. Previous studies have explored extensions of the Traveling Salesman Problem with Profits to model these systems in which the salesman provides services at a subset of vertices and shares the vehicle with passengers to reduce travel costs. However, a multi-objective approach remains to be developed. This dissertation proposes the Multi-objective Traveling Salesman Problem with Profits and Passengers (MoTSPPP) that integrates three simultaneous objectives: minimizing travel cost, minimizing travel time, and maximizing collected bonuses. A mathematical formulation is presented to compute Pareto-optimal solutions using a solver, and the results are compared with heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms such as NH1, NH2, NSGA-II, and MOEA/D. The results highlight the complexity of the problem and underscore the effectiveness of the proposed approaches, offering robust solutions for route planning in transportation systems and contributing to cost reduction and operational efficiency improvement.




Islame Felipe da Costa Fernandes


Membro Titular 1


Rafael Augusto de Melo (PGCOMP)


Link para o curriculum lattes


Membro Titular 2


Gustavo de Araujo Sabry (IFPB)


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Suplente 1


Bruno Pereira dos Santos (PGCOMP)


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Suplente 2


Roberto Freitas Parente (PGCOMP)


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Data do exame


14 Apr, 2025


Horário do exame


2:00 PM



Data da Defesa: 
14/04/2025 - 14:00
Tipo de Defesa: 
Qualificação de Mestrado