Nome completo do aluno
Luana Almeida Martins
Título do trabalho
Smart prediction for test smells refactorings
Resumo do trabalho
Test smells are considered bad practices for developing the test code. Their presence can reduce the test code quality, thus harming software testing and maintenance activities. Software refactoring has been a key practice to handle smells and improve software quality without changing its behavior. However, existing refactoring tools target production code with very different characteristics than test code. Despite the research invested in test smell refactoring, little is known about whether current refactorings improve the test code quality. This thesis proposal presents our research to help developers decide when and how to refactor test smells through a machine learning-based approach. First, we aim to mine refactorings performed by developers to derive a catalog of test-specific refactorings and their impact on the test code. Our findings show that developers prefer specific features of the testing frameworks, which may lead to test smells such as Inappropriate Assertion and Handling Exceptions. While the refactorings proposed in the literature aligned with the evolution of testing frameworks to help refactor test smells, the Inappropriate Assertion remains unexplored in the literature. Second, we aim to understand whether developers target low-quality test codes to perform refactorings and the effects of refactorings on test code quality improvement. Our findings show that low-quality test code, especially regarding structural metrics, is more likely to undergo refactorings. Common refactorings between test and production code contribute more to improving test code quality in terms of cohesion, size, and complexity. Test-specific refactorings enhance quality concerning the resolution of test smells. Third, we aim to learn whether developers would perform refactorings and which refactorings they would apply to improve the test code quality. Results indicate that the accuracy of Support Vector Machines models varies between 30\% and 100\% in different projects for detecting when a developer would perform a refactoring. However, accuracy decreases for detecting specific refactorings due to the low data on test refactorings found in analyzed projects. Overall, this research demonstrates the feasibility of using structural metrics and test smells for detecting test refactorings. In addition, it highlights the need for improvements through the analysis of synthetic data and project development context. The proposed approach represents a promising step towards supporting the detection and refactoring of test smells aligned with development practices currently adopted by developers.
Ivan do Carmo Machado
Heitor Augustus Xavier Costa (UFLA)
Membro Titular Externo 1 (com afiliação)
Silvia Regina Vergilio (UFPR) - PQ-1D
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Membro Titular Externo 2 (com afiliação)
Eduardo Magno Lages Figueiredo (UFMG) - PQ-2
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Membro Titular Interno 1 ou Titular Externo 3 (com afiliação)
Rohit Gheyi (UFCG) - PQ-2
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Membro Titular Interno 2 ou Titular Externo 4 (com afiliação)
Manoel Gomes de Mendonça Neto (PGCOMP/UFBA) - PQ-2
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Membro Suplente Externo 1 (com afiliação)
Márcio de Medeiros Ribeiro (UFAL) - PQ-1D
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Membro Suplente Externo 2 (com afiliação)
Sheila dos Santos Reinehr (PUC/PR) - PQ-2
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Membro Suplente Interno 1 ou Suplente Externo 3 (com afiliação)
Eduardo Santana de Almeida (UFBA) - PQ-1C
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Membro Suplente Interno 2 ou Suplente Externo 4 (com afiliação)
Tayana Uchôa Conte (UFAM) - PQ-2
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Data da defesa
26 Mar, 2024
Horário da defesa
9:30 AM